Causey Arch Picnic Area - "The world’s oldest surviving single arch railway bridge stands high above a wooded gorge. The arch spans over 100ft, stands 80ft tall and beneath it runs Causey Burn. If you stand under the archway it sounds as though the water is running above your head! Ralph Wood, a local master mason, built the arch in 1725-26 to link Tanfield collieries with the main waggonway on the River Tyne." "Causey Arch has a linear Easy Access route from the car park to the Arch. It is a minimum of 1.6 metres wide, is tarmacked and has seats at regular intervals. There is one steep gradient from the car park but after that it is virtually flat. There are long paths on both sides of the wooded gorge allowing you to wander around this site. An Easy Access route enables visitors who are less mobile to enjoy wonderful views over the Arch and the gorge below." - from the Visit County Durham website 
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